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Пробные тесты для осуществления текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля ЗУН учащихся 3, 7, 9 классов. Учитель Коломыйцева И. Г.

8 – What did you understand about the size of the pool?

a) it is small

b) it is round

c) it was big enough for quiet birds

d) it is not big enough for so any active swimmers

9 – Who seem to know the reasons for the birds’ strange behaviour?

a) scientists

b) visitors

c) zoo-keepers

d) biologists

10 – What are the penguins like by character?

a) happy and lively

b) slow and clumsy

c) social and curious

d) active and clever

11 – What is typical of the penguins’ behaviour of this type in wild?

a) they have to swim in search of food

b) they have to swim for practice

c) they like to swim for long distances

d) they have to survive

12 – How can the scientists explain the birds’ behaviour?

a) the birds need exercise

b) it is their natural instinct

c) they communicate through movement

d) it is the reawakened migratory instinct

1 -              2 -                3 -                  4 -                 5 -                 6 -                                                    

7 –              8 -                9 -                10 -               11 -               12 -  

2.C. Read the text and complete the beginning of each passage with the sentences (1 – 6) given below.

Surprise Meeting.

A – Huge waves were crashing onto the beach. Freddie looked around. His sister, Juliet, was walking just in front of him, but nobody else was there.

B – Somebody was calling them. They looked up at the road. A man was waving and shouting something. "We can’t hear you. Wait a minute!” shouted Juliet.

C – The man was standing next to an enormous car. He was wearing a uniform, and he was holding a map. There was a woman in the back seat. She looked worried. Next to her was a boy of about sixteen. He was watching a small television.

D – "We are lost”. The woman opened her window. "We are looking for Blaketon,” she said. "Our aunt lives there,” said Freddie, "Doesn’t she, Juliet?”

E – She was staring at the boy. "Is that Marcus Haze?” she asked. "Well, yes, that’s right. He’s going to record his new video here tomorrow,” replied the woman. "We are staying in the village tonight”.

F – "Please, could I have his autograph?” Marcus wrote his name on a piece of paper for Juliet while Freddie was giving the driver directions to Blaketon. "Thank you so much!” smiled the woman. "No,” whispered Juliet, "Thank you!”

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: tallya (09.12.2012)
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