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Пробные тесты для осуществления текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля ЗУН учащихся 3, 7, 9 классов. Учитель Коломыйцева И. Г.

8 – By the mid 1990s there were millions of WEB-users, weren’t there?

a) yes, 23 million to be exact              c) no, not so many

b) yes, 23 thousand                             d) no, just 22

9 – What does the fast development of the World-Wide WEB offer today?

a) new way of learning                        c) new possibilities for students

b) new ideas of shopping                     d) new possibilities for everyone

10 – How can the students use the WEB?

a) they can play games                          c) they can make new friends

b) they can get up-to-date information  d) they can do tests

11 – What do you think is the most important thing about John Bridges in the text?

a) he is 14 years old                                c) he designs web-sites for other companies

b) he learns at school                              d) his clients don’t know his age

12 – What can good IT skills give the students today?

a) the access to the latest news                         c) getting a job just after leaving school

b) the chance to learn more about the world     d) learning more about the world

1 -                2 -                  3 -                 4 -               5 -              6 -                                

7 –                8 -                  9 -               10 -             11               12 -                                   

1.D. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps in the summary of it.

1 – Roller-skating developed of (1                       ) which has been known for ages in northern countries.

2 – The country where the first roller skates were probably made was (2                    ).

3 – In 1760, John Merlin went to a ball in London playing a (3                ) on roller skates.

4 – Unfortunately, John Merlin injured himself when he broke a (4               ) at the ball.

5 – In Germany, roller skating was used in a ballet called (5                   ).

6 – James Plimpton’s invention helped roller skaters to control the (6              ) of their skates.

7 – The first team sport to be played on roller skates was (7                    ).

8 – In Detroit in 1937, the first (8                               ) took place.

9 – The use of plastics meant that both the (9            and                  ) of roller skates improved.

10 – The musical Starlight Express was seen by as many as (10                       ) in London.

11 – Roller skating has spread all over southern (11                    ) and South America.

12 – The speaker says that modern roller skates are now (12                and             ) than ever before.

1 -               2 -                3 -                 4 -                 5 -               6 -                                                    

7 –               8 -                9 -               10 -               11 -             12 -

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: tallya (09.12.2012)
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