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Пробные тесты для осуществления текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля ЗУН учащихся 3, 7, 9 классов. Учитель Коломыйцева И. Г.

11 – He comes from England, (11         )?

a) does he                 b) did he                          c) does not he         d) doesn’t he

12 – The boy was playing with his car while his sister (12        ).

a) was painting         b) painting                       c) painted               d) was painted

1 -      2 -     3 -      4 -      5 -       6 -       7 –      8 -       9 -        10 -        11 -        12 - 

5. Writing.

5.A. Write about your favourite holiday.

5.B. What do you think of your family traditions?

5.C. Do you like traveling? What places would you like to see?

5.D. what are your likes and dislikes?



Teacher’s copy. Texts for Listening.


1 – Do you know why the English call the holiday "All Fools’ Day”?

  - It’s because the weather often tricks people in Britain in this season.

2 – Have you already bought a present for your mum?

 - Not yet. I am going to do it tomorrow. Besides, I must give something to my granny, sister and aunt.

3 – Let’s go and see the parade of war veterans.

 - OK, lets. We can even join them and bring some flowers to the monument in our park.

4 – Have you ever heard about Guy Fawkes Night?

 - I’ve got just a very vague idea of the holiday

5 – Did you have a great holiday?

 - No, we just saw the New Year in and went to bed at 1 a.m.

6 – It’s nice to have so many holidays before school.

 - Yes, I like them too. I hope they will take our class to the carnival on the Day of the City.


1 – Can I have another piece of cake, please?

 - Yes, of course. Help yourself.

2 – Can I borrow your pen for a moment?

- Sure. I am not taking notes at the moment. The lecturer is speaking too fast.

3 – I’d like to have a closer look at the hats over there.

 - Do you want a red or a green one?

4 – What can I do for you, sir?

 - I’d like to see the manager.

 - Just a moment.

5 – What are you doing, darling?

    -Reading for my exams.

    - Would you like some tea?

    - Not now, thanks.

6 – Can I have a pain-killer, please?

  - Have you got a prescription?

 - No, but I have got a splitting headache.


Loch Ness Monster.

"Loch” is a Scottish Gaelic word for a lake. Loch Ness is a large lake in Northern Scotland. It is about 35 kilometres long and 1500 metres wide. The average depth of the lake is about 400 metres. 

There have always been lots of stories in Scotland about beasts in the water. St. Columba made the first written reference to a monster in Loch Ness in the year 565. one day, he was passing by the lake when he saw a large beast. The monster tried to attack a man who was swimming in the lake. St. Columba prayed and the man was saved.

The modern legend of Loch Ness dates back to a newspaper article in 1933. the "monster has been a media favourite since then, and today the Loch Ness monster is a major tourist attraction. And anyone who finds or photographs Nessie, as soe people call the monster, will become very rich. In 1934, Colonel Robert Wilson, who was a surgeon, took the most famous photograph of Nessie. In 1994, one of Wilson’s friends confessed that the monster was in fact a toy submarine that was only one metre tall.

Some people believe Nessie may be a plesiosaur. It was a marine dinosaur, which died out 70 million years ago. Plesiosaurus had small heads, long necks and were good swimmers. Over the years, a lot of people have been trying to find Nessie. But nobody has proved that the monster exists. Dan Taylor, who was American, came to Loch Ness with a small underwater craft which the locals called the Yellow submarine. The craft had harpoons to pierce Nessie’s skin and get a sample of her tissue for analysis. But the craft was slow and began to leak.

Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: tallya (09.12.2012)
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