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Пробные тесты для осуществления текущего, промежуточного и итогового контроля ЗУН учащихся 3, 7, 9 классов. Учитель Коломыйцева И. Г.

4A. Choose the correct item.

1)       There …..a man in the garden.

a) are                 b) is                 c)can              d)have

2) ……are my shoes.

a) this                b) these            c) it                d) that

3) There ….. five dogs in the garden.

a) is                   b) are                c) have          d) isn’t

4) There is a ….. in the kitchen.

a) mouse           b) mice             c) mouth        d) meat

5) I see an….. on the plate.

a) pear              b) apple             c) spoon        d) apples

6) He has got …pen in his hand.

a) a                   b) an                  c) five            d)red

4. B. Choose the correct item.

1) She … got a pet.

a) have              b) haven’t          c) has            d) is

2) ….you got a sister?

a) has                 b) have              c) are             d) is

3) …..you …..a book?

a) have…got     b) got…have      c) have got… d) got has

4) Look at me. …..name is Pete.

a) me                 b) I                     c) my              d) mine

5) Kate has got a brother, …. name is Paul.

a) her                 b) my                 c) he               d) his

6) The pupils are here. Give them … copy-books.

a) their               b) they               c) that             d) there

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